Romance anime has its own set of tropes, prevalent in straight and gay stories alike. Oftentimes they’re somewhat problematic fan service, like magical girl costume changes. Īnime tropes can be benign, like high school students running with toast in their mouth. They’re in every anime, from Dragon Ball Z, to My Hero Academia, to Yu-Gi-Oh. Nearly all shounen-ai anime has the same issues and problems, thanks to their reliance on tropes.Īnime fans are well aware of how prevalent tropes are. On the surface, boy love anime are presented as flowery love stories about young men discovering their feelings for one another, but all too quickly these stories take dark turns.
Popular shounen-ai titles: Love Stage!!, Super Lovers, World's Greatest First Love
It’s part of a sub genre of anime called shounen-ai or “boy love.” Crunchyroll, and other anime streaming services are full of these shows, and they all have similar names: Love Stage, Super Lovers, World’s Greatest First Love. Nothing in the pink and flowery opening title sequence or key art implies that Love Stage is a story about sexual abuse. It’s an incredibly shocking scene for an anime that promotes itself as a saccharine sweet love story. When he realizes he has feelings for another man, Ryoma goes to Izumi’s house to confront him, forces Izumi to undress… and ultimately tries to rape him. Thanks to a cross dressing mishap, handsome celebrity Ryoma discovers his childhood crush, Izumi, is actually a boy.
What Could Have Been: Zaou Taishi wanted Shougo as the uke, but Eiki Eiki didn't want a character based on her brother to be an uke.In the anime Love Stage, Izumi and Ryoma are two star crossed lovers. Spoiled Sweet: Izumi is really spoiled by Rei and Shougo. Replacement Love Interest: What Shougo starts as with Rei. Cosplay: What Rei ends up doing for every holiday. Naked Apron: Rei dresses up in one for white day after he failed to bake a cake. Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Izumi was worried that he was an uke in a BL manga. Dude He's Like Passed Out Dead Drunk: Rei doesn't need Shougo awake to feel refreshed. Dropped a Bridget On Him: Ryouma was sure that Izumi was a girl. Comic Book Fantasy Casting: Shougo is based on Eiki Eiki's little brother Daigo, who's a lead vocalist in the band Breakerz. Big Brother Instinct: Shougo really loves his little brother. Beta Couple: Shougo and Rei in the main story of Love Stage they are the main couple in Back Stage and few other side stories in the Love Stage manga. Love Stage also has a side story by the name of Back Stage, which is a novel about Izumi's older brother Shougo and Sena's Production manager Sagara Rei. But when he reunites with Ichijou Ryouma, a up and coming actor who had fallen in love with him when they did a commercial together as children, it seems like his family will get their wish. His family want him to join the entertainment business but he doesn't want any of that, instead he wants to be a mangaka. Sena Izumi is an otaku in a family full of entertainers his mom is an actress, his dad a singer, and his older brother a member in the famous music group 'Crusherz'. Love Stage is a Boys Love manga created by Zaou Taishi and Eiki Eiki that is being currently serialized in Asuka Ciel magazine. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace. All new trope pages will be made with the "Trope Workshop" found on the "Troper Tools" menu and worked on until they have at least three examples. Pages that don't do this will be subject to deletion, with or without explanation. All new pages should use the preloadable templates feature on the edit page to add the appropriate basic page markup.
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